User agreement

1. Terms of Use of the Website

1.1. This user agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is an offer of terms for the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the Site) on behalf of the Site Administration and an individual (including representatives of legal entities) (hereinafter referred to as the User), and regulates the conditions for the User to provide information for posting on the Site.

1.2. The administrator of this Site is Individual Entrepreneur Alla Adolfovna Yukhimovych (EDRPOU code 2163025926, 02232, Kyiv, Zakrevskiy Mykola street, building 57, apartment 126). Contact phone number: +380965307891.

1.3. A User of the Site is any individual who has accessed the Site at any time and has reached the age permissible for accepting this Agreement.

1.4. The User is obliged to read this Agreement in full before registering on the Site. Registration of the User on the Site as a "Photographer" (hereinafter referred to as User photographer) or as a "Client" (hereinafter referred to as User client) means full and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement by the User. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Agreement, the use of the Site by the User must be immediately terminated.

1.5. This Agreement may be amended and/or supplemented by the Site Administration unilaterally without special notice. These Rules are an open and public document.

1.6. The Agreement implies mutual rights and obligations of the User and the Site Administration.

**2. Terms of Use of the Site by the User Photographer**

2.1. When registering on the site, the User photographer agrees to provide accurate and truthful information about himself and his contact details.

2.2. During the registration process on the site, the User photographer receives a username and password, for the security of which he is personally responsible.

2.3. The site allows the User photographer to create a unique business card with a code that leads to the site, as well as a unique link according to the template provided by the site.

2.4. The User photographer can upload and view the photos he has taken. It is prohibited to distribute materials uploaded by the User photographer for public, commercial or other purposes.

2.5. The User photographer can delete the materials, photos he has uploaded.

2.6. Photos uploaded by the User photographer on the site are stored there for 14 calendar days from the moment of their upload.

2.7. After the period specified in clause 2.6, the photos are automatically deleted.

2.8. The User photographer can choose three payment options for uploading photos by the User client, provided via a unique link, the business card code:

- Free option;
- Paid option;
- Option in which the User photographer uploads photos to the site without specifying the cost, and the User client determines the value of the photos, but not less than the minimum cost of uploading photos specified on the site.

2.9. The User photographer can withdraw the earned funds from the site to his payment systems supported by the site, with the site commission deducted at the time of withdrawal.

**3. Terms of Use of the Site by the User Client**

3.1. When registering on the site, the User client agrees to provide accurate and truthful information about himself and his contact details.

3.2. During the registration process on the site, the User client receives a username and password, for the security of which he is personally responsible.

3.3. The User client can access the photos via a unique link or code indicated on the business card received from the User photographer.

3.4. The User client can pay (if a paid download option is specified) and download the photos obtained via the unique code, the business card link without a watermark using any option (clause 2.8) specified by the User photographer.

3.5. Payment for photos by the User client is made through the Interkassa payment system.

3.6. The User client is charged a commission that depends on the payment system used for the withdrawal of funds.

3.7. Photos uploaded by the User photographer on the site are stored there for 14 calendar days from the moment of their upload and are available via a unique link, the business card code.

3.8. After the period specified in clause 3.5, the photos are automatically deleted.

**4. Prohibitions on the Site**

4.1. Calls for violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or seizure of state power; calls for changes in administrative borders or state borders, violation of the order established by the Constitutions or Basic Laws of the countries; calls for riots, arson, destruction of property, seizure of buildings or structures, violent eviction of citizens; calls for aggression or unleashing of military conflict.

4.2. Direct and indirect insults to anyone, including politicians, officials, journalists, users of the resource, including based on nationality, ethnicity, race or religion, as well as chauvinistic statements.

4.3. Obscene expressions, statements of a pornographic, erotic or sexual nature.

4.4. Any offensive behavior towards all participants of the resource.

4.5. Statements aimed at intentionally provoking a sharp reaction from other participants of the resource.

4.6. Advertising, commercial messages, as well as messages that have no informational load and are not related to the subject of the resource, unless special permission has been obtained from the Site Administration for such advertising or messages.

4.7. Any messages and other actions prohibited by law.

4.8. Impersonating another person or representative of an organization and/or community without sufficient rights, including employees and owners of the Site, as well as misleading about the properties and characteristics of any subjects or objects.

4.9. Posting materials that the User does not have the right to make available by law or under any contractual relationships, as well as materials that infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights and/or copyright and related rights of a third party.

4.10. Posting unauthorized advertising information, spam, pyramid schemes, chain letters; materials containing computer codes intended to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or software, to perform unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers of commercial software products, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet.

4.11. Intentional or accidental violation of any applicable local, state or international laws and regulations.

4.12. Uploading any materials of pornographic, extremist, Nazi content or any materials prohibited by the legislation of the country in which they are published.

**5. Rights of the User Photographer**

5.1. The User photographer has the right to use the site in accordance with Section 2 of this Agreement.

5.2. The User photographer has the right to print the business card in any printed publication accessible to him.

5.3. The User photographer has the right, after printing the business card, to independently choose the location and time for work.

5.4. The User photographer can contact the Site Administration with questions, claims, suggestions for improving the work or any other information. In doing so, the User is responsible for ensuring that the communication is not illegal, threatening, does not violate copyrights, does not discriminate against people based on any attribute, and does not contain insults or otherwise violates the current legislation of Ukraine, the country of which he is a resident, or international acts.

5.5. The User photographer has the right to receive remuneration based on the results of the work performed. The result of the work performed is the number of paid downloads of photos by User clients.

**6. Obligations of the User Photographer**

6.1. The User photographer agrees to comply with the rules of use of the site provided for in Section 4 of this Agreement.

6.2. The User photographer agrees to provide accurate information during registration about himself, his contact details and other information requested by the site.

6.3. The User photographer agrees to create a unique link, a business card code on the site.

6.4. The User photographer agrees to conduct the photo shoot in accordance with the legislation of the country in which he is located, regardless of whether he is a resident of that country or not. If the legislation of the country provides for obtaining a written permit for the photo shoot, licenses and any other forms, permits, the User photographer agrees to keep these documents and provide them upon request of the Site Administration.

6.5. The User photographer agrees to obtain permission and consent from the person before the photo shoot in accordance with the legislation of the country in which he is located.

6.6. The User photographer agrees to inform people that their photos will be posted on the site and available via a unique link or business card code.

6.7. The User photographer agrees to explain and provide people with a choice of the form of publication of their photos on the site. The forms of publication of photos include public and hidden forms. The public form is a form in which photos uploaded by the User photographer on the site will be available for viewing by users of the site. The hidden form implies access to photos uploaded by the User photographer on the site only via a unique link and only to the User photographer, the Site Administration and users who have the unique link or business card code provided by the User photographer.

6.8. At the request of the User client, delete the photos from the site or the album in which they are located within 12 hours from the receipt of such a request.

6.9. It is recommended that the User photographer upload the photos taken by him to the site within 3 days. The User photographer agrees to warn the client in any convenient way if he is unable to upload

 the photos to the site on time.

**7. Rights of the User Client**

7.1. The User client has the right to use the site in accordance with Section 3 of this Agreement.

7.2. The User client has the right, within 14 days from the upload of photos to the site, to use the unique link, the business card code to view and download them.

7.3. The User client has the right to demand from the User photographer to hide the photos from public access, delete part of them indicating the photo number, or delete the entire album.

7.4. The User client has the right to choose the form of online payment for the download of photos provided by the site.

7.5. The User client can contact the Site Administration with questions, claims, suggestions for improving the work or any other information. In doing so, the User is responsible for ensuring that the communication is not illegal, threatening, does not violate copyrights, does not discriminate against people based on any attribute, and does not contain insults or otherwise violates the current legislation of Ukraine, the country of which he is a resident, or international acts.

**8. Obligations of the User Client**

8.1. The User client agrees to comply with the rules of use of the site provided for in Section 4 of this Agreement.

8.2. The User client agrees to provide accurate information during registration about himself, his contact details and other information requested by the site.

**9. Withdrawal of Funds by the User Photographer**

9.1. The User photographer can withdraw the funds present in the balance of his personal account.

9.2. Withdrawal of funds is carried out by the User photographer by entering his data, namely: card number, full name, amount of funds to be withdrawn, in a special form on the site.

9.3. The minimum amount for withdrawal of funds from the balance is 1000 (one thousand) hryvnias.

9.4. Withdrawal of funds is carried out manually by the financier through payments from the account of the Site Administrator to the account indicated by the User photographer in accordance with clause 9.2 of this Agreement.

9.5. Withdrawal of funds is carried out within 48 (forty-eight) hours.

9.6. The Site Administration is not responsible for delays if such delays are on the part of the bank or payment systems.

9.7. A commission is charged for the withdrawal of funds from the balance of the User photographer, which depends on the payment system used for the withdrawal of funds.

9.8. The Site Administration charges a commission of 20% (twenty percent) for each withdrawal of funds from the balance by the User photographer.

9.9. Withdrawal of funds is supported by the following payment systems: bank cards (VISA, MasterCard). If the card is denominated in a currency other than the withdrawal currency, the exchange is carried out at the bank's exchange rate.

**10. Limitations of Liability of the Site Administration**

10.1. The Site Administration is not responsible for any errors, typographical errors and inaccuracies that may be found in the materials contained on this Site. The Site Administration makes all necessary efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on the Site.

10.2. The information on the Site is constantly updated and may become outdated at any time. The Site Administration is not responsible for obtaining outdated information from the Site, as well as for the User's inability to receive updates to the information stored on the Site.

10.3. The Site Administration is not responsible for the statements and opinions of the site's visitors left in the form of comments or reviews. The opinion of the Site Administration may not coincide with the opinion and position of the authors of the reviews and comments. At the same time, the Site Administration takes all possible measures to prevent the publication of messages that violate the current legislation or moral standards.

10.4. The Site Administration is not responsible for possible illegal actions of the Users towards third parties, or of third parties towards the Users.

10.5. The Site Administration is not responsible for the statements made or published on the Site by the User.

10.6. The Site Administration is not responsible for losses, loss of profits or expenses (real or potential) arising from this Site, its use or inability to use it.

10.7. The Site Administration is not responsible for the loss by the Users of the ability to access their account - user account on the Site.

10.8. The Site Administration is not responsible for the incompleteness, inaccuracy, incorrectness of the data provided by the User when creating a user account.

10.9. In case of problems in using the Site, disagreement with specific sections of the User Agreement, or receiving inaccurate information from third parties, or offensive information, any other unacceptable information, please contact the Site Administration so that the Site Administration can analyze and eliminate the corresponding defects, limit and prevent the arrival of unwanted information on the Site, and, if necessary, limit or terminate the obligations to provide its services to any User and client who intentionally violates the provisions of the Agreement and the functioning of the Site.

10.10. For the reasons stated above, the Site Administration reserves the right to delete information posted on the Site and take technical and legal measures to prohibit access to the Site to Users who, according to the conclusion of the Site Administration, create problems in using the Site for other Users, or to Users who violate the requirements of the Agreement.

**11. Procedure of the Agreement**

11.1. This Agreement is a contract. The Site Administration reserves the right to change this Agreement, as well as to introduce a new one. These changes take effect from the moment of their publication on the Site. The use of the materials of the site by the User after the modification of the Agreement automatically means their acceptance.

11.2. This Agreement comes into force at the time of registration of the User on the Site and remains in effect between the User and the Company for the entire period of use of the Site by the User.

11.3. The Site is the object of intellectual property rights of the Site Administration. All exclusive property rights to the site belong to the Site Administration. The use of the site by the Users is possible strictly within the framework of the Agreement and the legislation on intellectual property rights.

11.4. All trademarks and names mentioned in the materials of this Site are the property of their respective owners.

11.5. The User agrees not to reproduce, duplicate, copy any part of the Site, except in cases where such permission is granted to the User by the Site Administration.

11.6. This Agreement is governed and interpreted in accordance with the legislation. Issues not regulated by the Agreement are subject to legislation.

**12. Confidentiality Agreement**

12.1. The procedure for collecting, using, and disclosing information that may be considered confidential is carried out based on the Confidentiality Agreement.

12.2. By accepting the terms of this Agreement or visiting the pages of the site, the visitor automatically agrees to the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement regarding the use of personalized and non-personalized confidential information accordingly.

12.3. The collection, storage, use, processing, and disclosure of information received by the Site Administration as a result of visiting its sites and/or filling out registration forms, including the personal data of users, is carried out by the Site Administration in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. The private person (visitor or user) understands and agrees to the collection and processing of their personal data by the Site Administration within the limits and for the purposes specified by the terms of the User Agreement, the Confidentiality Agreement in accordance with Ukrainian legislation; they undertake to notify the Site Administration in writing of any changes to their personal data.

**Protection of Personal Data**

Dear User, by registering on our site or using various services of our site that require the input of your personal data, you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", as well as with the agreed and approved Rules. The Site Administration reserves the right to use this information for marketing purposes in the provision of services.

**Agreed and Approved Rules in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data"**

By registering on the site (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), including creating your account and/or registering as a user of any services of the Site, in the case of carrying out the corresponding actions under your real (and not fictitious) name, you give your consent to the owner of the Site to process the User's personal data (full name, gender, age, place of residence, date and place of birth, contact details if such information is provided and provided that such information is true and accurate).

The User gives their consent to the owner of the Site to perform actions in the information (automated) system and/or in personal data files, which are related to the collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use, and dissemination (realization, transfer), anonymization, destruction of the relevant personal data and information about the User - a natural person. The User also gives the owner of the Site the right to determine at their discretion the procedure for using the User's personal data (including the procedure for using the personal data by the employees of the owner of the Site in accordance with their professional or official, or labor duties), the procedure for protection, dissemination, the procedure for access to databases and the procedure for transferring the right to process personal data to other subjects of relations related to personal data. The User grants the specified rights to the owner of the Site to comply with the requirements of the current legislation on the protection of personal data.

**Additional Points:**

**Legal Address:**
Individual Entrepreneur Alla Adol’fivna Yukhimovych, EDRPOU code 2163025926, 02232, Kyiv, Zakrevskiy Mykola street

, building 57, apartment 126.

**Prices for Photos:**
The prices for photos on the site vary and are determined by the photographer in advance. The User photographer informs the client about the cost of the photo and specifies the price himself at the time of upload from 10 hryvnias per photo to the amount he deems necessary.